The Sacred Heart School Advisory Council is the official community body set up by the Catholic Archbishop of Perth in collaboration with the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia to assist in the financial management and future planning aspects of the school.
The School Advisory Council has a constitution and is bound by the policies and directions of the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia.
It meets on a bi-monthly basis to review the school’s financial position, review capital development planning, and to consider reports from representatives of the Parents and Friends Association, the Parish Pastoral Council and the Principal.
The work of the School Advisory Council is reported annually at the Annual General Community Meeting, held in conjunction with the P&F Association’s Annual General Meeting, in November.
The School Advisory Council comprises the Principal and Parish Priest as Ex-Officio members, Elected Parents, and a Nominee of the Parents and Friends Association. School Advisory Council Sub-Committees operate in the areas of Finance, Marketing, Planning and Maintenance and other areas as appropriate.
Membership of the School Advisory Council is an opportunity for parents to become involved in a service role to support the organisation of, and future planning for the School.

2024 School Advisory Council Members
- Chair: Mrs Erin Sullivan
- Principal: Mrs Tanya McGuire (Ex Officio member)
- Parish Priest: Fr Mark Payton (Ex Officio member)
- Treasurer: Mr Nicholas Muriale
- Secretary: TBC
- Parish Council Nominee: TBC
- Parents and Friends Association Nominee: Mrs Jessica Gibson
- Members: Ms Anka Burns, Mrs Marina Maidment, Mrs Aneta Petkoski, Mr Chris Markovic, Mr Liam Holloway
- Council Observers: Mrs Linda Robertson and Mrs Carolyn Perlini
Council Meetings are held in the Staff Room at Sacred Heart Primary School (entry via Mary St) on the fourth Wednesday every second month (during school term only) at 7.00pm.
Click here to view the School Advisory Council Roles and Responsibilities.