The mission of Sacred Heart Primary School is to develop an educational community, centred in Christ. Sacred Heart is committed to the development of the whole person in a climate where sensitivity and responsibility are developed in a spirit of hope and love.
This philosophy underpins all our teaching and learning programs. We teach Religious Education as the first learning area in our curriculum. Our school is mandated by ACARA’s National Curriculum to provide programs meeting these outcomes.
The English programs at Sacred Heart are built around the three interrelated strands of Language, Literature and Literacy. Together the strands focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in listening reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating. Each class participates in high quality literacy instruction which is purposefully designed to improve the literacy levels of all students in the form of Literacy Dedicated Time (LDT) blocks. Exposure to high quality literature enriches the children's appreciation of the English language.
Sacred Heart is committed to the provision of high quality differentiated teaching in the area of literacy to meet the various needs of our students. Formal assessment of student progress is monitored through Early Years Literacy and Numeracy Data (EYLND), The Observation Survey, National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) and a series of standardised tests (eg., ACER) that classroom teachers administer. An experienced Reading Recovery teacher provides students with early intervention in reading.
The Mathematics programs at Sacred Heart are organised around three major content strands (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability) as outlined in the Australian Curriculum. The four proficiency strands that are incorporated in the National Curriculum (ACARA) will be embedded in the programs as these ensure that students build the necessary skills to use Mathematics in their everyday lives. The four proficiency strands are Understanding, Fluency, Problem-Solving and Reasoning. Each day students will participate in a dedicated Mathematics block that will focus on different mathematical concepts and embedding Mental mathematical strategies. A whole school approach, iMaths, is undertaken at Sacred Heart to ensure consistent teaching of mathematical concepts and skills as our students’ progress through the school.
We also offer the EMU (Enriching Mathematics Understanding) as an early intervention program to junior primary students.
The Arts
The Arts are very much valued by our school. Students in Pre-Primary – Year 6 are offered weekly music lessons by a Music Specialist. Our school choir (Years 4-6) performs on many occasions during the year, including Performing Arts Festivals, Music Count Us In and at our Parish’s Family Masses. Visual Arts is taught by an Art Specialist who provides weekly classes to all students in Pre-Primary through to Year 6 in the Art Room. Class teachers also offer a wide range of music, visual arts and drama opportunities for students within their class programs. Dance is incorporated into the music, physical education and classroom programs at various times.
Health and Physical Education
A holistic approach to teaching is health is used at Sacred Heart. Health lessons centre on allowing students to make healthy lifestyle decisions. We see the teaching of social skills to be integral to achieving this aim. At Sacred Heart, we recognise that social skills learning is most effective when it is fun, engaging and students apply what they have learnt to authentic situations. We also recognise the important role of parents, primary care givers and the wider community in helping our students to become proficient at using social skills. For this reason, we have adopted a whole-school approach to teaching and reinforcing social skills with our students.
Students are encouraged to keep active and all classes are provided with sports equipment for them to use at recess and lunch times. A Physical Education Specialist teacher conducts a 45 min skills session each week with students (PP-Year 6). On Friday’s students participate in Class Sports (45 min session) where sportsmanship and a spirit of collaboration are fostered. Students are given opportunities to compete at school and interschool level in swimming, athletics, team games and cross country.
In our quest to build strong and healthy students, our school commits to daily to a Crunch ‘n’ Sip program and a whole-school fitness program three times per week.
Students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 are engaged in learning Italian for a one, 45 min lesson per week. They enjoy learning about the Italian language and culture.
Science lessons are based on the highly successful Primary Connections program and are taught by a Science Specialist in our Science Room. The students investigate scientifically the areas of natural and processed materials, energy and change, life and living, and earth and beyond. Students enjoy a wide range of inquiry based, hands on activities while at the same time increasing their science literacy skills.
History & Geography
Students are encouraged to develop understanding of the social and environmental issues that impact on our lives. Younger students focus on themselves and their immediate environment. As the students’ progress through the school the focus gradually widens to include local, state, national and global issues. Students develop research and critical thinking skills while considering factors such as resources, natural & social systems, culture, place & space, and time, continuity & change. They are encouraged to be active citizens through participating in class meetings at all year levels. Year Six students are all members of the Sacred Heart Student Council with responsibilities in the areas of stewardship, education, community and catholic identity.
Technology & Enterprise
Technology and Enterprise is often integrated into other learning areas. This area focuses strongly on problem solving as students are asked to design, make and appraise articles to meet specific requirements. Students are guided to gain an understanding of the appropriate use of all forms of technology. We currently have iPads in Kindy - Year 1, a 1to1 iPad program in Years 2-3 and a 1to1 MacBook program in Years 4-6.