Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School is a part of the Sacred Heart Parish in Highgate, Western Australia.
Although a separate entity and accountable to the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia, Sacred Heart Primary School is blessed with a close and special relationship with the Sacred Heart Parish. In 2019, we welcome Father Mark Payton as the Parish Priest. Father Mark will celebrate Reconciliation, Liturgies and masses. Father Mark and a parish representative are welcomed on our Sacred Heart School Advisory Council.
The parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish receive priority at Sacred Heart Primary School for student enrolment. The Sacramental Programs of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation are family focused, parish based and school supported. School community members are warmly welcomed to parish celebrations. A children’s liturgy takes place at Sacred Heart Church during the 9-00am Sunday Mass.
Parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish, families and friends are always welcome to school events and celebrations such as Masses and other liturgies, concerts, carols night and assemblies.

Mass Times:
- Sunday – 9:00am and 10:30am (Italian)
- Saturday – 6:00pm
Reconciliation Times:
- Saturday – 5:00pm to 5:30pm